Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

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Infrastructure (IaaS)

Infrastructure and Security are integral to any business to run seamlessly and face any challenge head on. Let’s briefly explore what they are and what you should consider when determining the right supplier or setup.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) enables quick computing and is managed and provisioned over your internet connection. Because of this IaaS has the ability to scale upwards or downwards depending on the demand of your organization: hence paying for only what you use. This is very cost-effective because it removes the necessity of high startup costs and the headache of buying and managing physical infrastructure, including servers and datacenter hardware. 

With IaaS, each of the components that are required are offered as a separate component which allows businesses to have a rental model for as long as they require those components. A common example would be of a virtual server, however many vendors offer additional options such as physical servers in their IaaS services. Of course this is on an as needed basis and is usually only a requirement for resource heavy or legacy applications and databases that may require a physical server presence.

Benefits of Infrastructure or IaaS

  • Secure and Strengthen:  In organizations, resources may sometimes be limited and needed in other places to capitalize and continue running. But this doesn’t mean that you have to expose yourself to the dangerous world of IT hacking, viruses, etc. IaaS enables scalable components that provide organizations the tools they require to meet ever-changing demands. All this is done without unnecessary costs and time-efficient installations. Making enterprise-level security accessible to any organization.
  • Productivity: Managing IT infrastructure requires deep knowledge, understanding, and research of current technologies, trends, and threats. This means that for both smaller and larger organizations, having a physical infrastructure will cost a substantial portion of your budget and resources. With IaaS, not only do you save resources, time, and money but you do it while having a state of the art Infrastructure that your IT department can always view, manage and evaluate. Common results of this strategy are an increase in innovation, applications, removing inefficiencies and improving workforce productivity; allowing your core business to thrive.
  • Scalable: We have discussed many times that organizational needs change in an instant, and having the flexibility to cope, deal and capitalize on change positively is a key factore in businesses that thrive. IaaS provides scalability based on rises and falls in demands, removing unnecessary costs, and having your IT setup to meet any challenges and opportunities. Of course, when compared to on-premise infrastructure, the cost to maintain this flexibility requires a very large budget. But with IaaS, you are able to pay for data transfer, storage, cost, usage, processing power, and RAM depending on your business needs. This means you can use more or less resources and components as the need arises, rather than planning for growth that may be delayed or a few years down the road. This agility and flexibility provides less delay, higher quality of service, and exponential growth productivity.
  • Data Security: Data is a component of business that needs to remain secure at all times. However, managing IT infrastructure by yourself can leave loopholes or places of exposure where your organization can be vulnerable. With IaaS you get physically secured IT environments and enterprise-level data security at a much lower cost than traditional IT systems. Our IaaS providers and suppliers conduct constant and comprehensive research to understand recent and relevant threats, opportunities and trends to make sure they are providing the highest quality of data protection solutions. Finding the right provider will enhance your organizations data security, protect your organization from threats and vulnerabilities and give you peace of mind. 

Things to Consider

The most important factors to consider when looking at Infrastructure are:

  1. Scalability
  2. Cost-Effectiveness
  3. Convenience
  4. Reliability
  5. Security 
  6. Legacy Applications
  7. Resource Intensive Applications
  8. Customer/Client Base
  9. Industry Regulations
  10. Capex vs. Opex Spend

Where Qrapht can help?

Qrapht represents multiple types of infrastructure suppliers and can deliver based on your needs. After learning your business requirements and goals, we can recommend solutions that can give you a brand new system to communicate or integrate with your existing IT systems. This also includes optimizing for the most cost effective solutions as well.

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